This term refers to the awareness of a brand or company.
Awareness can be increased through SEO measures, advertisements via Google AdWords, and, above all, unique content that is published on one’s blog and in social networks.

Business Intelligence
Business Intelligence (BI) are methods and processes for collecting, analyzing, and presenting user data.
BI systems analyze data to determine the purchasing behavior of customers and their requests. This way, you can define target groups more precisely and generate more sales through targeted campaigns.

Content Marketing
Content marketing effectively uses high-quality content (blog articles, e-books, infographics, videos, newsletter, white paper, etc.) to inform, advise and entertain a target group. Social media channels play an important role in distributing the content to increase its reach and interaction.
Content marketing improves the company’s public image, builds trust, attracts and retains customers, and promotes positive search engine optimization.

Confirmation procedure in email marketing.
A user who registers for a newsletter with his email address receives an email to confirm the registration. If he confirms the registration, the double opt-in (“double decision”) is complete.
The double opt-in procedure is required by law in Germany to protect against spam and unsolicited advertising emails.

Graphic or text elements that capture the target audience’s attention by evoking emotions.
An expressive advertisement or a good newsletter often contains an eye-catcher.
Choice of size, form, color, and dynamic is crucial to gain the buyer persona’s (target group’s) attention.

Frequently Asked Questions are a collection of common questions customers ask regarding a product/service with matching answers. You can find this information on the corporate website or online shop. The FAQ may also be called Q & A (Questions and Answers).
FAQs are often created “preventively” as the company also tries to foresee which questions might pop up frequently. So, while new customers receive important information via the FAQ page, the customer service can focus on more specific customer questions. This increases trust and speeds up the buying process.

Guerilla Marketing
Guerilla Marketing is a highly creative advertising method that promotes products or brands in an unexpected way. With a manageable budget, this strategy aims at achieving the greatest possible effect.
Guerrilla marketing is assigned to below-the-line communication since it is a rule to use unconventional measures instead of conventional methods to address consumers directly and personally. The three ingredients to a successful guerilla marketing campaign are: a creative idea, good planning, and preparation.

HTTPS stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure and enables a high level of security when accessing a website. The data exchange is proceeded encrypted via an SSL or TLS connection. A certificate confirms the identity of the site.
HTTPS encryption ensures that a website is compliant with the law, inspires confidence in the site visitor, is well protected against cyberattacks and data loss or manipulation, and is preferred by search engines when listing in the search results.

Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing is a marketing method that concerns itself with findability. With relevant and helpful content, customers are offered added value in every phase of the buying process (e.g., with blog posts, social media posts, e-books, tutorials, videos, etc.).
To increase the findability for potential customers, you should distribute high-quality content across different channels. In addition, you should also use inbound marketing measures such as email marketing, search engine optimization, and social media support.

Junk Mail
Unwanted promotional mail is often referred to as junk mail because it clogs up the receiver’s communication channels and is time-consuming. On top of that, junk mail causes more financial harm than good as their delivery comes with a high amount of work and costs.
However, you can have your company added to a safelist to prevent your newsletters or mass mail from being classified as junk mail. Furthermore, it is crucial to mind your wording and a proper HTML code.

They are the key to success. Keywords are search words that can be entered into search engines like Google. In online marketing, keywords are used to optimize your website for the search engines or place advertisements so that you can be found more easily.
Choosing the right keywords is crucial here. Their use can increase user engagement organically and generate more traffic through search engine advertisements.

Landing Page
When the user clicks on an advertising medium, such as a banner or a link found in a search engine, he accesses a website, the landing page. It is usually separate from the main page and advertises or informs the user about a specific product.
The purpose of the landing page is to get the potential customer to take action (buying the product, establishing initial contact, etc.).

Metadata conveys information to search engines about the content of a website. For example, filling in the metadata can influence preview texts displayed in the Google search results.
The metadata title and description are significant, the design of which largely determines how many users click on the search result.

Newsletter Marketing
Newsletter or email marketing serves to deliver promotional emails through email marketing software to target groups. It is one of the most far-reaching and best-performing marketing channels. A good newsletter should be optimized for mobile use and designed to be clear and inviting. In addition, it should forward the user to a landing page via a provided link and contain a short and engaging subject line.
The dispatch of newsletters is subject to legal regulations such as mandatory imprint, double opt-in, the option to unsubscribe, etc.

Open Rate
The open rate is the percentage of how many subscribers an email received, e.g.from a newsletter campaign. The open rate is calculated by dividing the number of recipients by the number of openings.
The open rate is one of the most important key figures for measuring the success of an email campaign or newsletter.

A persona is a fictional character defined by the real characteristics of target groups. It stands for a potential or existing customer.
Personas are developed based on analyses, tests, observations, or existing information and represent the target groups’ needs, characteristics, and goals.

QR Code
The QR (Quick Response) code is a barcode that you can scan with the smartphone camera to receive further information. This may be URLs, info texts, contact data, or geodata (mobile tagging).
A QR code represents the connection between online and offline marketing. It should offer added value, e.g., forwarding competitions, puzzles, coupons, or exclusive content. In addition, the corresponding landing page should be optimized for mobile use.

Referral Marketing
Referral marketing aims to receive a positive recommendation from the customer and to distribute and control it independently.
Usually, existing customers that recommend a product or service to others receive some reward. The campaigns are initiated via Facebook, Instagram, or blogs, for example.

Addressing customers emotionally through stories and thereby effectively conveying marketing messages is a method called storytelling. It is perfect for activating, inspiring, and retaining customers.
Stories are transported across the media with texts, images, and videos and are deeply imprinted in the memory.

Visitor activities on a website are examined by using web tracking tools such as Google Analytics and online marketing measures are checked using key figures.
Tracking is vital to the success of websites and online campaigns. While tracking must comply with data protection guidelines, it serves as the basis for ongoing page optimization.

Unique Content
Unique content is… unique! It cannot be found on any other website on the web. Its uniqueness is one of the most important factors in ranking content for search engines.
The higher the quality and the uniqueness of a piece of content is, the longer it can remain on a website and generate recommendations and backlinks.

Videos are increasingly becoming the leading medium and helpful information or entertaining content is communicated through audio-visual stimulus. On social media platforms like TikTok or Instagram, very short clips (> 3 min) with innovative effects shot in a vertical format are trending. While the brevity of these videos creatively encapsulate a message, longer videos are suitable for vlogs, introductory and in-depth videos on specific topics.
If you consider incorporating videos as a medium within your marketing strategy, keep in mind that even the shortest videos take a lot of work behind and in front of the camera from pre- to postproduction to create high-quality content.

White Paper
White papers are documents that provide information about a product, a process, or a company’s development. They are usually a few pages long, written in serious/technical language, and showcase the expertise of the author or company.
There are many functions that white papers can fulfill: They can serve as a decision-making aid and source of information as well as an advertisement for a product/company. Overall, they are an essential tool of content marketing in the B2B area.

XML Sitemap
The XML sitemap, also known as the Google sitemap, is a list of all the subpages of a website that is saved as an XML file.
The XML sitemap is uploaded to the Google Search Console to transmit all the website URLs to the search engines. Thus, the sitemap facilitates the indexing of the subpages, and finding files that are difficult to access (e.g., images) is easier for search engine robots.

After Google, YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world and the place-to-be to advertise your brand through visual content. The video platform should not be underestimated as it can be an important channel in the marketing strategy context.
By incorporating YouTube into your inbound marketing strategy, you can pick up your target group on their customer journey before they even intend on buying a product. In addition, the platform offers options for search engine optimization and the general strengthening of the brand presence.

Zero Moment of Truth
The moment a potential first searches the Internet for further information about the product after a stimulus (e.g., commercial) before making a purchase decision is called Zero Moment of Truth.
Over the past few years, the number of people researching a product online before buying it has increased steadily. Therefore, it is all the more important to provide high-quality and target group-oriented content so that interested parties can find it.